Marketing can be a world of adventure and discovery all its own, so there's no surprise that we could pick up a trick or two from one of the most popular video game franchises of the past 25 years. What can Legend of Zelda teach you about being a better marketer?

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Quality marketing content turns readers into prospects and prospects into leads. Sometimes, those leads aren't the people making a direct buying decision.

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The best marketing removes barriers. Are you focusing on doing the same thing for your business and networking practices?

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Let's start with a confession: I've been a fan of Starbucks coffee for years. You might even call me an addict. Given my minor obsession with steamed milk and espresso beans, you probably wouldn't be surprised to know that I've been a member of the Starbucks Gold Card program for a long time. And I've been earning "stars" with each purchase – which I redeem for free beverages later – motivated me to keep buying on a regular basis.

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It's not really a secret that the largely anonymous nature of the Internet brings out the very worst in some people. This isn't just true of chat rooms, social media, and multiplayer networks, though – the "I can get away with pretty well anything" frame of mind even affects social personalities and business marketers.

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Recently, I've taken a few of my social connections out to the virtual woodshed for posting (or from my perspective, over-posting) what I consider near meaningless or empty, low value content. Grumpy cats, goats, lions, famous quotes and other people's pictures, to name just a few: do they have any real significance beyond some very brief entertainment value?

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An interesting thing happens when technology allows for entirely new industries to be born. Innovation and creativity often work together in new and exciting ways, while at the same time accepted practices and philosophies are replicated or transferred from older business models.

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When people first learn that I openly share my high-ROI business website strategies – even with peers (read: competitors) – it is often met with a bit of stunned silence. Then they wonder aloud why I would risk giving away my secrets. No doubt they harbour fears that sharing such important knowledge is pretty much a gift to my competition. But is it really?

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Following are four summaries of well-shared posts, along with links to each article...

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In an effort to spread Kayak's message of peace, love, and creating really awesome lead generation business websites, we occasionally contribute as regular columnists to other noteworthy blogs.

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It can be tough for marketers to balance the need for doing with the necessity of thinking and planning, which is why so many companies have great strategies that they never really get around to executing.

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A lot of behaviour theory is built on the assumption that we’ve learned all of the most important things as children. This acceptance of a pre-programmed way of thinking can cause us to make and repeat mistakes.

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Upgrading or replacing your website should be as simple as choosing a new template, deciding on a colour scheme, and watching the visitors come flocking in from search engines and social profiles, right?

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In the last few months, we've shared some of our thoughts around the process of moving websites from one domain to another, and even when to start over altogether.

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The navigation structure of a website is pretty easy to overlook. After all, most people are going to be able to get from one page to another pretty quickly, right?

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