How many blog subscribers do you have? What kind of conversion ratios are you achieving? How much money did you make from that offer?

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Stop and think for a moment about how often you’ve seen something advertised on TV, or the Internet, and thought to yourself: “who would be stupid enough to buy that?”

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Think back to the last great thing that happened in your business. Remember all the good work you put into making it happen, and smart decisions you made that led to the triumph.

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Your website isn’t just a marketing item – it’s a potential hub of information, relationship-building, and sales activity. It’s also the most visible component of your marketing plan. Do you get the sense it's under performing? Let's check on a few of the most common and telltale signs...

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One of the interesting things I've learned studying behaviour and unconscious bias in marketing is that most people tend to think of themselves as being average when it suits them, but extraordinary when it helps their self-esteem. And, because all of this happens on a subconscious level, we do it without even realizing it.

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At some point or another, someone in your life – like a parent or spouse – probably reminded you that you aren’t indeed the centre of the universe. That’s something we all come to learn eventually, even if we don’t necessarily like it.

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No doubt you've heard of Simon Sinek's Start With Why TedX talks or his books, but did you know that the origins of The 9 Whys are the work of Dr. Gary Sanchez of the Why Institute? In the slim chance you haven't heard of either speaker, it's a construct of 9 motivations that most people identify with as their primary 'purpose' in life.

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Financial icon Warren Buffett (WIKI) likes to remind investors that the price of something is what you pay for it, while the value is what you get in return. That’s why it’s easy for something cheap to be more expensive in the long run. In fact, prioritizing short-term budgets almost always comes back to haunt you.

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Negative reviews can be extremely tricky, especially during this time of the year.

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As our clients and blog readers will know, Kayak's team members are big proponents of applying buyer personas to marketing goals in order to understand the various audiences on the receiving end of lead generation efforts.

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We see blunders all the time in marketing, especially when people try to take shortcuts or listen to bad advice that ends up working against them. No matter what kind of decision you make, though, you can rest easy knowing that someone else has probably done worse.

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Several times a week, I field calls from potential clients that are looking for a new website, a new content management system, or help with a new tool they've purchased that will help them to finally succeed online.

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It was 2010, and I was in the midst of recovering from a horrific battle with stage IV cancer. Getting back to work was a challenge, and I was grateful to the staff and clients who stayed with our (then) design firm throughout my battle with the “Big C” then they’ll ever know. Late in the year, however, we ran into a challenge with one of our most important developers.

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Google has incorporated Penguin into their Core Algorithm. That's big news. Prior to last week, sites that had deployed black hat SEO strategies such as link farms and similarly shady tactics were penalized. Not any more.

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Google has announced that they'll be penalizing sites that use an interruptive pop-up, especially those that cover a significant amount of content.

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