That's a good question. In fact, it's often the very first thing business owners and marketers want to know.

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Pay-per-click advertising (or PPC for short) can seem like the perfect solution to the age-old problem of finding new business.

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If you are one of those people who walks into an auto mechanic's shop expecting to hear something that wouldn't be less clear if it was explained to you in Turkish (or some other language you don't speak), and then walks out spending twice what you expected, then you're ready to jump head first into the process of finding a business web design team.

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In the world of sports, we have seen a recent crackdown on champion athletes who have relied on performance enhancers to extend their career, become a bit faster, or otherwise gain an illegal or unethical edge over their opponents.

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Imagine if you will your company as a shiny blue door and your customers as the door frames holding you up.

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Using technology to better ourselves and better our business.

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HTML Email and Landing Page Campaigns and the CAN-SPAM ACT [IMPORTANT UPDATE].

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SEO is about getting connected.

Why Reaching a #1 Spot on Google is Like Earning Your First Million

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Give them what they want. Relevance is all about content with appropriate keywords.

What Google’s Auto Complete is Telling You About Search Trends

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Compelling Online Content: Website Must Haves Part 3

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What Makes an Effective Landing Page?

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Making sure social media works for your business.

Now that we’ve gone over some of the major social media platforms you’re likely ready to get going or have already started. But there is one important step you should consider before jumping into the deep end. That step is to create a policy regarding social media. Here are some suggestions to consider:

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How design and usability play a role in your inbound marketing strategy.

Generating a bunch of traffic to your site is great, but does little if your site isn't helpful for your visitors. Depending on the industry, most websites have a 30-60% bounce rate on average.

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