In some ways, it's too bad that the ancient Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians aren't still around. With gods that represented everything from the weather to favorite sporting events, they might have had a field day with Google.

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If you run a successful business for long, you're bound to run into a competitor you just can't stand.

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"There are real threats out there, and there's a lot to be cautious about."

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In a recent post, we shared one of our little online marketing secrets: that we are willing to do things like create cardboard cutouts of our best customers to help us better understand them and remember their needs.

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In television crime dramas, detectives draw painstaking detail from victim interviews, drawing one little piece of information after another until that "ah ha" moment where the sketch artist puts them together and the guilty culprit is identified.

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Have you ever had that sinking feeling that comes with realizing you didn't plan ahead the way you should have?

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In a perfect world, every business would find the perfect web firm that's right for them within minutes, and then the two would go on and on, growing together over the course of several years.

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Now that everyone's favorite fake ad man has returned with the Mad Men premiere, business owners around the country will go back to asking themselves why they can't have someone like that guy managing their campaigns. After all, if you had Don Draper's charisma and passion to work with, your marketing results would have to improve… right?

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Losing weight and getting in shape is a goal for millions of people. But, despite their desire to lead a healthier lifestyle, many find that they aren't able to accomplish those goals by exercising at home, or picking up a few books on fitness and nutrition.

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We'll be the first ones to admit it: we absolutely love automated lead generation systems. It's what we do, but you could almost say it's what we live for.

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One of the most interesting things about Internet marketing in 2013 is that just about everyone does it.

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Experience has taught most of us that politicians generally fall into two categories: those who devoted their lives to public service and their families before taking office, and the army of others who would rather that we don't look too closely into their past.

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When most organizations decide they need a new website (or web presence), they imagine things in two distinct steps...

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Specifically, everybody wants to attract more leads online, but not everyone understands what that really means, or how to define online success.

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Automation has become a hot topic in recent years, and for good reason: It represents the next logical evolution in finding customers through the Internet.

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