If you’re searching for a marketing or web firm to help you establish a new online presence, then it makes sense to work with an award-winning firm, right?
Read MoreIf you’re searching for a marketing or web firm to help you establish a new online presence, then it makes sense to work with an award-winning firm, right?
Read MoreBack when I first opened up our digital marketing firm, search engine optimization (SEO) was thought of as a niche, technical topic. Now, it’s unusual for me to run into a business owner who doesn’t have some sort of search consultant they are paying a monthly retainer to.
Read MoreBy now you've heard about GDPR, the European Union's General Data Processing Rules. If not, you should check out this information (HubSpot's interpretation).
Read MoreSpring is just around the corner. (Please let it be around the corner!!) I’ve already planted some seeds for my garden. It’s exciting seeing those seeds sprout.
Read MoreIn a recent post, I laid out three clear signs you should get a thorough SEO audit of your website. The point of the piece was to show that declining search rankings, or search visibility problems, can have as much to do with technical factors as they can content or keyword research.
Read MoreMarathons are long, hard, taxing and exhilarating races that require immense dedication and perseverance. Online marketing is no different. In fact, I’m even going to go one step further and say that online marketing isn’t just like a regular marathon, it’s more like one of the hardest marathons in the world. What makes it so hard? Let’s break it down.
Read MoreRecently, a few of our more astute connections have noticed something interesting: in many cases, clicking on an image within a Google image search no longer takes you straight to the image or allows you to download it.
Read MoreRegular readers and long time Kayak clients will know we are fans of HubSpot. We like the tools they create for marketers. We are an official partner even, and so it’s no surprise that a lot of the companies we work with end up utilizing their platform.
Read MoreIn the old days, somewhere between covered wagons and anti-spam legislation, it felt like it was every man for himself in the fight against the online casinos, Nigerian princes asking favours, and highly suspect 'enhancement' promises.
Read MoreEver wonder why you aren’t getting as many visits from Google or Bing as you used to? Maybe you just want to double check if that SEO specialist you've been paying is worth the money?
Read MoreTechnology changes constantly, but people have been people for millennia. From keeping the lid on a fishing hole to not sharing killer good content, human behaviour can be pretty predictable online or off.
Read MoreIn December 1999, I walked out of my final agency into life as an entrepreneur. Flush with $700 in my pocket, I saw nothing but possibilities. Before the door closed though, I learned my first lesson…
Read MoreWhen you want to know how well your business website is really performing over time, nothing beats a good review of your analytics package.
Read MoreMost marketers would say they know a bad website when they see one. The crazy fonts, cluttered layouts, and outdated animations are dead giveaways. And yet, we continually see surveys – like this one from Nielson – that show us how lots of organizations keep frustrating online visitors.
Read MoreAre you an above-average marketer? Statistically speaking, you probably think so… even if the results of your most recent campaigns suggest otherwise.
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