The Client
For nearly four decades, EVANS has been the global leader in providing innovative solutions for mission-critical operations (control rooms, situation rooms, consoles, etc).
They serve a diverse client base including public safety, aviation, process control, utilities, and technology, as well as numerous government agencies.
EVANS enjoys the industry's largest portfolio of control room projects completed to date, and lists the likes of NASA, Calgary Transit, Panama Canal, and Emirates Airlines on its client list.
The Challenge
A leading indicator of the state it was in – the website's visual design – was incredibly dated. But under the hood is where the real issues hid. An initial technical audit identified more than 800 errors contaminating the site (broken links, missing assets, security vulnerabilities, duplicate content, interstitials, and much more).
Roughly 200 pages had been cobbled together over the years by a variety of suppliers and staffers, creating a frightening user experience that left visitors guessing where they were and how to get out. Once-used-then-orphaned landing pages floated about the site, broken with time.
Double-digit drop-down navigation linked a mix of interstitial pages and anchors within pages. The accumulation of poorly executed pages not only wasn't even close to meeting industry standards, it negatively impacted the company's brand.
In a nutshell, it wasn't just poor; it was damaging. View the solution.