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Redesign or Migrate

Advanced Content Modules

No-Code Environment

Get to market fast with HubSpot CMS and Kayak's experienced digital team. Advanced website redesigns, migrations, and get new websites that delight.

We design and develop websites on HubSpot CMS using DropZone Pro Theme. A first for HubSpot customers, DropZone Pro Theme reduces the long delays and high costs associated with custom website development because the bulk of the coding is already done.

(Article: Bootstrap or Pixel Perfect?)



Skip the development stage. We can configure modules much faster.

Our team can work with yours to create a beautiful new website with a consistent look and feel in days, not weeks or months.

We designed DropZone Pro Theme to shorten your design cycle. It feature pre-configured, UX-optimized layouts in a no-code environment that allows us (and you) to design fast. Marketers are welcome to modify pages to create their own layouts as well.

Advanced Content Modules

More than 20 advanced content modules to add much-needed functionality.

Powerful advanced content modules extend HubSpot's core functionality. And yes, they're configurable by marketers.

Features like content positioning, video backgrounds, overlays, masks, padding, margins, and much more.

Editable by Marketers

Redesign without code and without developers.

Drag and drop DropZone Pro Theme content modules (alongside HubSpot basic modules) to configure a variety of page layouts. For this design, and the next.

DropZone Pro Theme components are the building blocks of your website. Use the same tools for every website you create going forward. Reconfiguring a new design is almost effortless and switching templates preserves your page data.


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Easy to Use

Expert Support


No code, easy to use.

You're not stuck to a single layout.

Because we use DropZone Pro Theme, the templates are fully editable on the page.

Add a module, remove a module, save to reuse, and drag to reorder. Or strip out all of the modules and populate your page with new modules to create a new layout. Easy.

Expert support.

Fully supported by the team that developed it.

No juniors here. Our team has been designing and developing websites on HubSpot's platform since 2011. That's over 12 years of coding, designing, strategizing, and helping clients run high-calibre websites on HubSpot.


DropZone Pro Theme comes with technical support, today and in the future.

Branded and configured uniquely for each client by our team to ensure you get off to a fantastic start, DropZone Pro Theme is provided via a software license that includes technical support, updates, and more.

A customer-first, tailored website approach you'll love.


a License

A DropZone Pro Theme license enables the current version to be installed in your HubSpot portal. It cannot be purchased from the Marketplace.


Configure the

Kayak's team handles the initial branding effort, configures your page layouts, and sets up global content modules such as headers and footers.


Create Your

Create beautiful website pages or ask for content migration support. Marketers can easily modify page layouts to support your content. 


Configure and Apply Your Brand

DropZone Pro Theme is ready for your branding. Once deployed to your portal, our support team applies your branding and configures your website's global styling at a fixed price of $3k. After which, you are free to begin building your pages, or engage us to help you do that.

Manage your HubSpot website without using code or an agency.

With our approach to website design and development, you're empowered to get things done. With or without us. No barriers, or roadblocks. No catches.



DropZone Pro Theme for HubSpot CMS.

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Let's talk about a Redesign or Migration

Frequently Asked Theme Questions

What is DropZone Pro Theme?

We're so glad you asked. DropZone Pro Theme is what's referred to in the business as a developer theme. It features a robust collection of advanced content modules, pre-developed by our engineering team that users can drag and drop onto pages. Basically you can configure pages however you wish. Or, you can take advantage of our pre-configured and UX-optimized page layouts, already optimized for SEO.

Consider DropZone Pro Theme as the foundation and walls of your home, ready for your paint and furniture, fully built to code. It'll likely be the last website theme you'll ever need to invest in because it's easily re-configurable into new designs. The tech is already built, and the experience is no-code. So you'll never face the high cost of traditional website design and development projects ever again. That'll not only save you thousands of dollars, it'll also save you weeks or months of time you'd normally lose to that process.

DropZone Pro Theme features a selection of page layouts, and advanced content modules that is installed into your HubSpot CMS portal (Pro or Ent level).

How do I get DropZone Pro Theme into my HubSpot Portal?

Purchase DropZone Pro Theme and the initial configuration/branding package.

You can request training under a separate agreement.
You can request technical support under a separate agreement.
Talk to sales.

Can I combine DropZone Pro Theme Advanced Content Modules and HubSpot Common Modules in DropZone Templates?

Yes. DropZone Pro Theme Advanced Content modules and HubSpot Common modules are compatible. That said, HubSpot is an evolving platform where rules can and do change. If you encounter an issue, please let us know.

Note: Technically speaking, you can drag and drop legacy modules onto DropZone Pro Theme template pages. However, doing so may cause unpredictable results, conflicts, or incompatibilities due to legacy module coding differences.

Can I use DropZone Pro Theme Templates and Modules with my own Templates and Modules?

Technically, maybe, yes. Though it's not recommended as incompatibilities are likely, and troubleshooting issues can be quite challenging/costly.

What happens to my pages if I switch to a different theme?

Boom! Kidding. :) Your page should work the same until you make updates. After which, you may encounter a number of challenges including ... DropZone Pro Theme modules under the + may not remain visible, and the new theme's modules will appear. Under the "All" modules category, you may see DropZone Pro Theme, your new theme, HubSpot common modules, as well as legacy modules. It is not recommended to mix and match modules as doing so may produce unexpected results and conflicts.


Can I use HubSpot's default theme to perform a content migration, then switch to the DropZone Pro Theme to design and build my website?

Technically, yes. Though not recommended as it typically means you'll end up doing a redo. It's possible to build pages in one theme, then switch to a new default theme, and then create new pages or choose an alternate theme template on an existing page. However, it's very likely that the modules will not be fully compatible, leading to unexpected results or errors. In our experience, you'll need to build new pages and copy/paste your content into DropZone modules or HubSpot modules.

Pro tip: If your default theme was very VERY simple, say containing only a single Rich Text module, swapping templates to a new more powerful theme "shouldn't" cause any incompatibilities. Doing so would allow you to migrate content only (text) and preserve page names, publishing dates, etc. You'll still need to use pre-configured templates to avoid manually rebuilding each page's layout.

Can I migrate my website from Squarespace or Wix, or WordPress using only HubSpot's default theme?

Yes. However, the Yes comes with a caveat. HubSpot's default theme has limited Common module capabilities. Your existing beautiful styling and elaborate layouts will be challenging or not even possible to re-create in HubSpot without access to more advanced modules like those found in our DropZone Pro Theme. Or, you'll need to develop new modules (costly and time-consuming). Additionally, the web page creator will need to manually configure the page as they build. If you've ever done this before you'll know how time-consuming that approach can be.

Check out this Website Migration article.

What's the difference between creating a new page and swapping a template on my existing page

  1. Creating a new page is clean, with no issues. Swapping a template can cause conflicts.
  2. Creating a new page restarts data collection. Swapping a template maintains data collection.
  3. Creating a new page allows you to redesign a page layout. Swapping a template can cause a page redesign...with a catch...HubSpot works to preserve your content. If a module has existing content but is not included in the new template, that module will remain on the page (compatible or not).
  4. Creating a new page utilizes your default Theme. When swapping a template, you can select non-theme templates (watch for incompatibilities).

Since I can drag and drop modules onto any page layout, why do I need a bunch of templates?

Templates are pre-configured layouts They give you a head start over doing layouts manually. Templates contain code that connects your CSS and script files, providing you with the design and extras such as animation for your website.

Can I generate Dynamic Pages with the DropZone Pro Theme?

Technically, yes. DropZone Pro Theme's master templates contain the major sections of a web page: header, body, and footer. The sections can be coded to create dynamic templates that are fed content from HubDB. Kayak's dev team can help you set this up as it's quite complex and requires expert-level technical knowledge.

I've used a theme template and made layout changes. How do I reproduce them without having to make the same changes all over again?

You have a number of options. 1. You could "clone" the page and update the content (pay attention to URLs, etc). 2. You could save a "Section" (part of a page) and drag it onto a target on the new page. 3. You could have a new DropZone template developed to suit your preferred layout. 4. You could have the template updated by our dev team.

I need a page layout that you don't have in your default set. Can you create it?

Yes. Every DropZone Pro Theme license comes with 10 hours of technical support with 10 more per year that the license is renewed. You can use that to ask us to create a new template or tweak a module, etc. Or, if your designs are extensive, we can look at engaging on a project to develop custom templates and modules for you.

Our team develops layouts that follow best practices for user experience, search optimization, and professionalism. As such, we reserve the right to refuse a request. Additionally, when we develop new modules and templates, we may decide to integrate them into future releases.

Can I apply the DropZone Pro Theme to more than one HubSpot Portal, Additional Domain, or Business Unit?

Yes. However, there are some rules. The license is assigned to a single portal. Add-on licenses apply to additional domains, business units, etc. at a reduced rate and modified benefits.

Does DropZone Pro Theme have a warranty?

Yes. DropZone Pro Theme Advanced Content modules, Templates, and files are fully warranted against defects in workmanship. See the Terms of Service for complete rules. Note: In HubSpot, users can see who last made edits to a module, template, or file. If one of these assets is edited, HubSpot records the change. If anyone other than our team edits a component, the warranty may be considered void and/or we may revert it (our choice). So take care working in there.

Are DropZone Pro Theme websites accessible?

Accessibility is always at the forefront of our website designs. Common aspects, such as contrast and flash-avoidance for the vision-impaired, to automating website settings to address a wide variety of accessibility issues (and legislation) with AccessibeWidget (get a free accessibility audit), we've got your back with every DropZone Pro Theme website installation.